14 years ago
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
July 30
One thing that I noticed in today's reading is that God told Jeremiah to do some odd things and he did them without question. Not only that, God only told him to do one thing at a time- He did not reveal the whole plan to him. He did not tell him He was going to illustrate a word picture or any other part of the plan. He just told him what to do, one step at a time and Jeremiah did it willingly and without question. This will be true of other prophets later also, I forget which one God has lay on side so many day and then the other side, set up seige works etc. All kinds of word pictures that these prophets do willingly without understanding the big picture at first. I am praying to be more in tune with God and the Holy Spirit and to be more unquestionly obedient.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 27
I'd like to devote more time to studying Micah. Maybe next year. What a beautiful little book. Only 7 chapters, Micah is one of the minor prophets, designated such because of the length of his book, not the significance. He is one of 12 minor prophets in the OT. Some preach in the city, some on the countryside, some to Judah, some to Israel, some to both. All have basically the same message and the same message as the major prophets- repent and serve God. Each in the their own way reminds Israel of it's unique history of rescue from bondage in Egypt and how God has sustained them every step of the way. Micah is a country prophet and his message is mostly to Judah (remember the tribes split after Solomon with most going to the northern kingdom of Israel).
Even reading in chronological order it's hard to keep track of everything that is going on with the two kingdoms (especially that it seems that most of the darn kings start with "J"). If you, like me, need a little more visual reference, here is a handy table of the kings and what prophet(s) ministered during their time. I especially like the column that tells how many years it's been since Solomon since my brain just cannot compute things in BC (I could never get the hang of the fact that 750BC comes BEFORE 720BC for example)
I would just like to highlight a few treasures from Micah:
We already talked about Micah's amazing prophesy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlahem Ephrathah (there was more than one Bethahem- this leaves no doubt which one it would be) in Micah 5:1-5.
Micah 6:6-8 With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down beofre the exalted God?.........
what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with you God.
Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope (confident expectation) for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me.
Micah 7:18-19
Who is a God like you,
who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
but delight to show mercy.
You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
Even reading in chronological order it's hard to keep track of everything that is going on with the two kingdoms (especially that it seems that most of the darn kings start with "J"). If you, like me, need a little more visual reference, here is a handy table of the kings and what prophet(s) ministered during their time. I especially like the column that tells how many years it's been since Solomon since my brain just cannot compute things in BC (I could never get the hang of the fact that 750BC comes BEFORE 720BC for example)
I would just like to highlight a few treasures from Micah:
We already talked about Micah's amazing prophesy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlahem Ephrathah (there was more than one Bethahem- this leaves no doubt which one it would be) in Micah 5:1-5.
Micah 6:6-8 With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down beofre the exalted God?.........
what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with you God.
Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope (confident expectation) for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior;
my God will hear me.
Micah 7:18-19
Who is a God like you,
who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
but delight to show mercy.
You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
July 26
It's sooo hard to start over when life doesn't turn out like you expect it to. Most of us don't even realize that we have an unconscious 'template' for our life in the back of our mind- a vision of how our life is going to turn out. It's staggering when things spiral out of control and have to be rebuilt piece by piece. Most of us have little energy for the 'regular' things in life, let alone building a whole new life. I've been close to two people (unrelated to each other) these last few weeks whose lives need to be rebuilt and it's been very hard to watch. Like watching a hurricaine hit and not being able to offer shelter. Both have been excruciating- but in different ways. One was mostly self inflicted and self destructive (alcohol which destroyed a brilliant career, a marriage and nearly ended a life) and the other the person had very little control in the situation- her husband walked out.
How do you put back the pieces? Obviously only with God's help and one piece and one day at a time. But I think it helps a little bit to look at history.....Israel's history. Who has recovered from more? Despite warning after warning, prophet after prophet they continue in their destructive ways. They went into captivity (which we'll read about soon) and returned to rebuild. Then they survived several occupations (Roman's etc), the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, multiple wars and most recently the Holocoust......but miraculously, just as predicted through the prophets we are reading- God saves a remnent and brings them back to THEIR land. And in 1947, they declared and won their independence and have been governing themselves since that time- for the first time since the kings we are reading about.
God's promises are true and can be depended upon. I love today's reading from Micah. A Branch, a ruler from Bethlahem who will struck on the cheek with a rod (in Jerusalem - 'the walled city") and His greatness will reach the ends of the earth. And this is only one of over 500 prophesies about the coming Messiah which a perfectly fullfilled in Jesus. I forget the exact statistics but it goes something like this- the chance of that happening are about the same as tossing up enough quarters to fill the state of Texas to the depth of one foot and having them all land heads up.
We can count on God's Word. It's true, it never fails. And He promises to bring us to Himself forever. I guess that's the other way that we get through life's hurricaines, is knowing that this is life is just a vapor and we will spend eternity HAPPY and with the ONE who LOVES us!!
In my story of two people's lives unraveling- only one knows the Lord. Please pray that the Lord will open his eyes and draw Him into a real and vital relationship with Him. And pray for the one who does kow the Lord that He will be especially close to her. Many people in our group are going through very challenging times- let's all pray for each other too.
How do you put back the pieces? Obviously only with God's help and one piece and one day at a time. But I think it helps a little bit to look at history.....Israel's history. Who has recovered from more? Despite warning after warning, prophet after prophet they continue in their destructive ways. They went into captivity (which we'll read about soon) and returned to rebuild. Then they survived several occupations (Roman's etc), the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, multiple wars and most recently the Holocoust......but miraculously, just as predicted through the prophets we are reading- God saves a remnent and brings them back to THEIR land. And in 1947, they declared and won their independence and have been governing themselves since that time- for the first time since the kings we are reading about.
God's promises are true and can be depended upon. I love today's reading from Micah. A Branch, a ruler from Bethlahem who will struck on the cheek with a rod (in Jerusalem - 'the walled city") and His greatness will reach the ends of the earth. And this is only one of over 500 prophesies about the coming Messiah which a perfectly fullfilled in Jesus. I forget the exact statistics but it goes something like this- the chance of that happening are about the same as tossing up enough quarters to fill the state of Texas to the depth of one foot and having them all land heads up.
We can count on God's Word. It's true, it never fails. And He promises to bring us to Himself forever. I guess that's the other way that we get through life's hurricaines, is knowing that this is life is just a vapor and we will spend eternity HAPPY and with the ONE who LOVES us!!
In my story of two people's lives unraveling- only one knows the Lord. Please pray that the Lord will open his eyes and draw Him into a real and vital relationship with Him. And pray for the one who does kow the Lord that He will be especially close to her. Many people in our group are going through very challenging times- let's all pray for each other too.
Friday, June 18, 2010
June 18
Hosea and Gomer- what a story! And what a name! Maybe she was very beautiful but I just have a vision of a woman named Gomer and is not pretty. Especially after she has had a self-inflicted hard life and Hosea buys her back from slavery.
God sees Israel as his wife and so He doesn't just paint a word picture or share a vision- He has Hosea live it! And he apparently marries Gomer knowing full well that she will be unfaithful. Just like Israel commited spiritual adultry, Gomer is unfaithful to Hosea. And God even asks Hosea to name his children after things which remind him of unfaithfulness of his wife (and Israel). It seems like Hosea's job is hard enough, trying to peach to Israel to repent and leave the foreign God's and idols....but to ask him to do this? We don't see any reluctantance, just servanthood and obedience. The last child born Lo-ammi means 'not my people' or 'no kin of mine' and (according to one account I read) was probably the result of one of the adulterous relationships and was not Hoseas.
After Gomer leaves Hosea and he gets wind that she has been deserted, it would be a normal, human reaction to think, "Well, she got what she deserved". But God tells him go and buy her out of slavery (a homer for a Gomer?). And he willingly does. How could anyone love that much? God obviously enabled him too because of His great love for His people even though they were deep in sin. We should be all the more able to love and forgive since we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Tough assignment!!
God sees Israel as his wife and so He doesn't just paint a word picture or share a vision- He has Hosea live it! And he apparently marries Gomer knowing full well that she will be unfaithful. Just like Israel commited spiritual adultry, Gomer is unfaithful to Hosea. And God even asks Hosea to name his children after things which remind him of unfaithfulness of his wife (and Israel). It seems like Hosea's job is hard enough, trying to peach to Israel to repent and leave the foreign God's and idols....but to ask him to do this? We don't see any reluctantance, just servanthood and obedience. The last child born Lo-ammi means 'not my people' or 'no kin of mine' and (according to one account I read) was probably the result of one of the adulterous relationships and was not Hoseas.
After Gomer leaves Hosea and he gets wind that she has been deserted, it would be a normal, human reaction to think, "Well, she got what she deserved". But God tells him go and buy her out of slavery (a homer for a Gomer?). And he willingly does. How could anyone love that much? God obviously enabled him too because of His great love for His people even though they were deep in sin. We should be all the more able to love and forgive since we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Tough assignment!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
June 17
This is just too funny how whatever book I'm reading at the time coordinates with what we are reading. (Thank you Lord, it's helping me get back at it). This morning, in continuing to read my book, "You Were Born for This" (check out yesterdays blog to find out the premise of the book). I am reading about the second key to being part of everyday miracles. The People Key. God is looking for people to be sensitive from nudges from heaven to deliver miracles from heaven. The problem is that most of us have a whole set of preconceived ideas about our agenda and who and how we want to serve people. Enter the most reluctant servant of all time- drum roll please........JONAH.
Jonah was happy to serve God- in Israel. On his agenda, on his terms. But God asked something very strange of him. He asked him to go to Ninevah. Sounds like the name of a cute little town. There was nothing cute about it. The Assyrians were long time enemies of Israel. They were pagan, idol worshipers. I don't know if it was true for the Ninvites but idol worship in the ancient world usually included all kinds of detestable things such offering child sacrifices, shine prostitiution......you name it. The kind of people you aren't even supposed to assosciate with, let alone minister to. (Remember wondering when Israel took over the land and had to drive out these types of people if God was being cruel- he was not he CARES about these people). Jonah even admits why he doesn't want to go.......they might repent!! We may be guilty in our churches of ministering only to a certain kind of people- the kind of people who would 'fit it' with us. The ultimate lesson from Jonah is if you get a nudge from heaven- take it. The alternative can be pretty gross. Actually, more realistically, if you pass up the assignment, God will usually find someone else, or tragically- it may go undone.
The author described a reluctant encounter of his own. He was on a plane trying to finish up a book he was working on. He was on a deadline. It had to be done and this was his only time to work on it. Just as he was thinking that he would have an empty seat next to him and some quiet time to himself- in staggers his seatmate- drunk, loud, obnixious, vulgar and pierced everywhere. He tried to ignore him and work on his book but the drunk guy was persistantly obnoxious. He kept trying to work on his book and the guy asked him if he was a priest. He couldn't imagine where he got that idea and asked him why he thought that. He'd been reading his book over his shoulder- a part about being a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Bruce said, yes, he guessed he was a priest in a way. He realized he had to listen to what was up with the guy. He turned and listened. He found out that his best friend had been killed the night before. He couldn't help wondering that if that had been him, what would happen after he died. He asked God that if He was real, to please send him a priest!
I know that I am usually too set on my own agenda and checklist to be looking to see what God is up to throughout the day. But I know that I am going to be more aware now! Hope you will be too. By the way, Ninevah is now part of Iraq. Ready to go?
Jonah was happy to serve God- in Israel. On his agenda, on his terms. But God asked something very strange of him. He asked him to go to Ninevah. Sounds like the name of a cute little town. There was nothing cute about it. The Assyrians were long time enemies of Israel. They were pagan, idol worshipers. I don't know if it was true for the Ninvites but idol worship in the ancient world usually included all kinds of detestable things such offering child sacrifices, shine prostitiution......you name it. The kind of people you aren't even supposed to assosciate with, let alone minister to. (Remember wondering when Israel took over the land and had to drive out these types of people if God was being cruel- he was not he CARES about these people). Jonah even admits why he doesn't want to go.......they might repent!! We may be guilty in our churches of ministering only to a certain kind of people- the kind of people who would 'fit it' with us. The ultimate lesson from Jonah is if you get a nudge from heaven- take it. The alternative can be pretty gross. Actually, more realistically, if you pass up the assignment, God will usually find someone else, or tragically- it may go undone.
The author described a reluctant encounter of his own. He was on a plane trying to finish up a book he was working on. He was on a deadline. It had to be done and this was his only time to work on it. Just as he was thinking that he would have an empty seat next to him and some quiet time to himself- in staggers his seatmate- drunk, loud, obnixious, vulgar and pierced everywhere. He tried to ignore him and work on his book but the drunk guy was persistantly obnoxious. He kept trying to work on his book and the guy asked him if he was a priest. He couldn't imagine where he got that idea and asked him why he thought that. He'd been reading his book over his shoulder- a part about being a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Bruce said, yes, he guessed he was a priest in a way. He realized he had to listen to what was up with the guy. He turned and listened. He found out that his best friend had been killed the night before. He couldn't help wondering that if that had been him, what would happen after he died. He asked God that if He was real, to please send him a priest!
I know that I am usually too set on my own agenda and checklist to be looking to see what God is up to throughout the day. But I know that I am going to be more aware now! Hope you will be too. By the way, Ninevah is now part of Iraq. Ready to go?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16
Since I took a little time off from blogging here for a while, I'm not going to start off with Jonah. I've got something else perking around in my brain. Let's pray God helps me explain it because what's in my brain is a big tangled mess. Hopefully, the connection gets straightened out between my brain and the keyboard.
First, I've let many of you know that I've been dealing with a family crisis. It's so common these days I almost surprise myself calling it a crisis. A person very, very close me had her husband walk out on her. Competely without warning. Of course there were symptoms- he was not growing spiritually (at all), he was extremely selfish. But he was always the greateset dad and I always thought that in the end he would never hurt the kids for anything (age 5 and 8) and that would bring him around. I mention this not only for prayer but it seems to me that Satan is is working overtime in this area. Don't take your marriage or your spouse for granted. Don't take lightly the dozens of weddings you have probably been to where you promise to hold them in prayer (and if you are like me it falls by the wayside). Pray for marriages!!!! And if you are single don't even consider marriage until you are 100% at peace that it is God's best for you. The old saying that "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" is a lie. Better to have a fullfilled life with God at the center of you joy than to settle for anything less than God's perfect will and a world of hurt. In the case of the person I'm talking about, she had 13 happy years, but now this event is going to taint all those memories forever.
Back to Bible study stuff........I'm reading another book called "You were born for this". It is by the author of the Prayer of Jabez and Secrets of the Vine, Bruce Wilkinson. The premise of the book is that God is always looking for people who are anxious to be part of every day miracles. Bruce now teaches a class in how to be sensitive to God's leading in the area. (I promise this eventually comes around to something we just read). He gives the example of a burly construction worker who sketically 'volunteered' himself during a class to be open to any such assignment God would have for him. He saw someone on the job site who said his marriage was falling apart. He felt a 'nudge' from heaven that he could help him. Having no idea what to do or say, he stalled for time and told the guy to go get paper and pen, he was going to tell him what to do to save his marriage. The guy came back with the paper and the construction worker still had no earthly idea what he was going to say. He opened his mouth and he said, "Go home and make your bed". The man nearly passed out and asked him how in the world he knew that was what they had been fighting about for years!! He was going to run right home and make the bed.
As part of set up for being sensative to the leading of the Holy Spirit and how to part of these every day miracles, the author challenged the reader to change some assumptions about God and heaven. He described himself begging God for something one day and stopped himself short and examined the belief behind what he was doing. He came to realize that he seemed to believe that God was very reluctant to act and it was his job to convince Him to change His mind. He also reevaluated his ideas about heaven. When most people think of heaven they think of worship......angels.....a beautiful place completely disconnected from earth. But the author points out using a passage we just read that God constantly in the process of having 'meetings' (if you will) in heaven about things going on in the earth and looking for ways (and people) to meet those needs. Now obviously He doesn't NEED anyone, or their ideas or anything else to accomplish His purpose, but like many other mysteries in the Bible, He does USE all those things. The passage that the author used is one that we read recently on June 5 in 1 Kings 22. Reread it to check out how God was looking for ideas and volonteers to carry out His plan and purpose on the earth. And if it peaks you curiosity and you wonder how you can be part of every day miracles then check out the book. I'm in the middle of it and it's going to be a pretty steep learning curve, but I'm 'volonteering' and seeking the opportunities. I'll keep ya posted.
First, I've let many of you know that I've been dealing with a family crisis. It's so common these days I almost surprise myself calling it a crisis. A person very, very close me had her husband walk out on her. Competely without warning. Of course there were symptoms- he was not growing spiritually (at all), he was extremely selfish. But he was always the greateset dad and I always thought that in the end he would never hurt the kids for anything (age 5 and 8) and that would bring him around. I mention this not only for prayer but it seems to me that Satan is is working overtime in this area. Don't take your marriage or your spouse for granted. Don't take lightly the dozens of weddings you have probably been to where you promise to hold them in prayer (and if you are like me it falls by the wayside). Pray for marriages!!!! And if you are single don't even consider marriage until you are 100% at peace that it is God's best for you. The old saying that "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" is a lie. Better to have a fullfilled life with God at the center of you joy than to settle for anything less than God's perfect will and a world of hurt. In the case of the person I'm talking about, she had 13 happy years, but now this event is going to taint all those memories forever.
Back to Bible study stuff........I'm reading another book called "You were born for this". It is by the author of the Prayer of Jabez and Secrets of the Vine, Bruce Wilkinson. The premise of the book is that God is always looking for people who are anxious to be part of every day miracles. Bruce now teaches a class in how to be sensitive to God's leading in the area. (I promise this eventually comes around to something we just read). He gives the example of a burly construction worker who sketically 'volunteered' himself during a class to be open to any such assignment God would have for him. He saw someone on the job site who said his marriage was falling apart. He felt a 'nudge' from heaven that he could help him. Having no idea what to do or say, he stalled for time and told the guy to go get paper and pen, he was going to tell him what to do to save his marriage. The guy came back with the paper and the construction worker still had no earthly idea what he was going to say. He opened his mouth and he said, "Go home and make your bed". The man nearly passed out and asked him how in the world he knew that was what they had been fighting about for years!! He was going to run right home and make the bed.
As part of set up for being sensative to the leading of the Holy Spirit and how to part of these every day miracles, the author challenged the reader to change some assumptions about God and heaven. He described himself begging God for something one day and stopped himself short and examined the belief behind what he was doing. He came to realize that he seemed to believe that God was very reluctant to act and it was his job to convince Him to change His mind. He also reevaluated his ideas about heaven. When most people think of heaven they think of worship......angels.....a beautiful place completely disconnected from earth. But the author points out using a passage we just read that God constantly in the process of having 'meetings' (if you will) in heaven about things going on in the earth and looking for ways (and people) to meet those needs. Now obviously He doesn't NEED anyone, or their ideas or anything else to accomplish His purpose, but like many other mysteries in the Bible, He does USE all those things. The passage that the author used is one that we read recently on June 5 in 1 Kings 22. Reread it to check out how God was looking for ideas and volonteers to carry out His plan and purpose on the earth. And if it peaks you curiosity and you wonder how you can be part of every day miracles then check out the book. I'm in the middle of it and it's going to be a pretty steep learning curve, but I'm 'volonteering' and seeking the opportunities. I'll keep ya posted.
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