Num 16-18

Moses and God have had to endure it from:
The Israelites in general
The rabble among them (presumably non-Israelite tagging along) Num 11:4
Moses immediate family Num 12:1-2
And now the Korah himself a Levite priest along with 'well known community leaders who had been appointed members of the council" Num 16:2
Moses AGAIN intercedes to limit the punishment.This time with leaders who should have known better! I know I mentioned it before but it is such a beautiful picture of Jesus Messiah interceding for us. Before Peter's denial, Jesus told Simon Peter that Satan desired to have him but that He had prayed (interceded) for him Luke 22:31-32. And when He went to the cross He cried "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" Luke 23:34. Now if EVER the earth should have opened up and swallowed up the wicked it should have been at the crucifixion! But instead we see forgiveness!
What was interesting to me is that Moses handles it each time with great humility, usually falling face first and takes his concerns directly to God. Num 11:10-15, Num 16:4. He was angry Num 16:15, which is understandable but he doesn't list off all the things he's done for them. This got me thinking of my own life. For many years my rebellious sister (not the one who belongs to this site) was my 'pet project'. I did all kinds of things for her and her now Ex-husband. I ended up getting slapped in the face over and over. Each time, either out loud or to myself, I've said, "After ALL I've done for them!!" We don't see ANY of this with Moses! That right there tells me that my motives were not perfect. I'm happy to report that I am learning (work in progress) to work for the Lord and not for others. Trying to "follow the cloud". And happier than ever! Life is not like an Algebra equation "If A.........then B........" It's more like "Do A (whatever the Lord tells you) and Leave B to Him".
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