Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

Anyone in the Facebook Chronological Bible Reading Group is free to post! If you would like to post- let me know and I'll set you up as an 'author'.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 20-23

Well...a computer crash, an out of town Joyce Meyer conf and getting sick all add up to getting behind. Luckily the reading is not deep. But that certainly does not mean it is not important. I've been thinking a lot about David. He must have had thousands of kingly duties to attend to and things to worry about. But he chose for his focus to be God. Even though he made serious mistakes, when he realized, he got right back at it. And just think- because of his faithfullness, we can be comforted as people have been for thousands of years by these beautful Psalms. Don't skim them.....or if you do skim some, find one part that really speaks to you and read it over and over and over and think about it.

At the Joyce Meyer conference, she talked about really knowing God. If you wait to really know God until a time in your life when you are desperate, you will miss out on a lot of happiness. I know that I didn't get serious about knowing God until about 3 years ago. I pruned out almost everything in life but God. I went on an 'elimination diet' (remember like with allergies,they have you quit eating everything and then start adding things one by one). I did this because of a family crisis that I didn't think we would get through any other way. Now the crisis is over and I have gotten to know God so well that I have completely lost my 'appetite' for everything else. I can't say that I have no entertainment in my life- I do. But on this side of it I can now see how most americans LIVE for entertainment- sports, TV, movies, is their LIFE. Nothing wrong with any of it if you do it for the Lord. Many in these areas use this as their platform to witness and get to know people. But it can't be you LIFE. God has to be you LIFE. 

I had the feeling at the conference that a lot of people were taking note, listening and maybe even trying to figure out how to give God a "bigger part" of their life. You won't ever really, really get it until God IS your LIFE. Really listen to the words of the Psalms.......God was David's LIFE!!

As a side note, I wondered what the harp was like that David played. It seems to be agreed that it was not really a harp, but lyre. Here is a picture.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 17-19

I'm a little behind again- my FB friends know what I've been doing- fun stuff! Not only was I behind in my blog but I was behind in my reading and spending time with God. I started feeling really cranky and thought, "What is wrong with me?". Ahhh......I know....just thought you might appreciate the fact that is a DAILY struggle for ALL of us to put God first.

After some interesting reading.....things got boring again and now April 18 is just jam packed with good stuff! The first thing that caught my attention is that David says that he had the plans for the temple "in writing, from the hand of the Lord upon me and he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan". David was talked to and reprimanded and given instruction by prophets and seers, but it apprears that regaurding the temple, God communicated with him directly.

He instructs the people to "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." God will see to it that His house is finished. I think that this can be applied to anything we do for God- even parenting. Ultimately, we are being the hands of God, helping build 'His people' (same could be true for any kind of work for the Lord) and we need to do 'the work' and do it well and with skill, but don't be anxious about it- it is HIS work and HE will bring it to completion.

David gives generously out of his personal treasure. I'm sure he has accumulated a lot of treasure as king. But he would not have had any of it if he was still a stinky shepherd boy. It all came from the Lord....and he gives a lot of it back. We have no problem giving our 'personal treasure' to our beloved children but for some odd reason, it seems much harder giving it back to the one that gave it to us. David is even humbled by the fact that he is ABLE to give to God. "Who am I and who are you people, that we are ABLE to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You and we have given You only what comes from Your hand".

I've heard a lot of messages preached on this topic. It still needs to sink into THIS thick skull!! God doesn't need it any more than I 'need' the chewed up yucky thing that I demand when I tell my dogs to 'Give it!". Sometimes when they have a 'good' toy, I will make them 'Give it", so that they stay in "practice". I give it back to them, it was just a test. Or maybe I'll even give them a treat. I love the I train them. It's what's good for them. And they learn to pay more attention to me instead of being off doing their own thing.  If I can do that with my dogs, think how much more we can trust God with whatever thing He is telling us "Give it" and we have our jaws clenched around and look up with those puppy dog eyes saying "I don't wanna....."  Give it- the master knows best!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16

Son of a gun if Joab isn't still the commander. He seems to have good advice this time.....not to count the troops, it will bring guilt on Israel. I agree with the author. The motivation for counting the troops had to be either pride of ambitions of taking over something that Israel had not been given by God. And I agree with the author that David has come a long way from the shepherd boy with 5 stones and a contented and confident heart. However, he is still a great model for us in that he is quick to confess his sin.

Interesting about the seer. Those of you who know me, know I am pretty conservative. I watched an interesting program in the middle of the night (which I often do on the internet when I can't sleep) about a seer. I really couldn't find anything to disagree with even though it was pretty radical! This man claimed to have had the gift of 'seeing' for 30 days. He saw demons, angels, spirits....All the same kinds of things that the Yanamamo people from the primative rainforest report seeing all the time. If it intruges it. Even if you don't believe this guy is a seer, it is well done as far as the video effects and gives you some idea what maybe the seers of the Bible saw. When I looked for an angel in Israel, because my mom collects them, I found none (except one that went to a nativity set). I think that they know that angels are not cute little babies and girlies but might warriors!

David chooses as his punishment the hand of the Lord. Again, his sin is responsible for many peoples deaths! 70,000 people!!  The spot that God stops the angel from destroying Jerusalem, on the threshing floor of the Jebusites is (I believe from what I've read AND heard) the very spot that under the Dome of the Rock of today. In the story it is also the future site of the temple (and also probably the very spot where Abraham would have sacrificed Issaac if God had not provided a ram in the thicket). I wonder what a 'seer' would see in the spirit world in the that location today. I'm going to guess it is not good!!

David begins making preperations to build the temple. To this day, they are not sure how part of the wall were built. The stones here HUGE and went back beyond what you can see about 15 feet. The theorize that a system of pullys and oxen did they job but they really don't know. This picture is taken in the western wall tunnels. Talk about a firm foundation!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feb 15

Hmm.....This whole passage was a little confusing. You have to do a lot of reading between the lines. I'll try to 'cliff note' it a little since I had to untangle it for myself anyway. (this is without reading any commentaries and just trying to get the most out of it that I can, so feel free to disagree).

Joab challenges David that all he is doing is sitting around and mourning the death of Absolom. He says it is a disgrace to everyone who fought for him. David does perk up and making moves to go back to the throne but he says that Amasa (his sister Abigail's son) will be his commander, not Joab.

A lot of people go out to greet the returning David. Many are worried that they will be in big trouble for their brief disloyalty but David forgives them and the only one in trouble is the one who says that the ones who were disloyal should be put to death.

It turns our that Mephibosheth was not waiting for the return of his grandfather's kingdom at all as Ziba had told David, he was mourning the loss of David (his unkept state a sign of mourning in that culture). I'm not sure what Ziba's motiviation was there, maybe he wanted to discredit "Meff" (we'll call him for short) and get more for his 15 sons. David tells them to divide the fields (I assume this a way of saying Adios to Ziba).

The next part seems to be the first hint of an upcoming divided kingdom. The tribe of Judah takes back David and sets him up as king. The other 10 tribes (wouldn't it be 11?) get ticked off and say they have "10 claims" on him. Then a trouble maker named Sheba got the the rest of Israel (minus Judah) stirred up and against David (are they fickle or what?). Amasa, who was supposed to be (or is?) the new commander takes longer than 3 days which he was told to take to get together the troops of Judah (does that mean he is deserting or being a trouble maker, or just unreliable?). At any rate, Joab kills him! And then he gets Sheba's head, litterally.

 Now, I can't say that I have really figured out this story. I don't even see any neat symbolism in it except for Meff who was by their standards 'unworthy' to eat at the kings table but is always extended grace and undeserved favor like we are. And I still don't know or remember how this is going to turn out in the long run with Joab. Is he 'good' and taking charge when David is unwilling or unable to? Or is he 'bad' and bent on his own agenda? Not exactly another cliff hanger.......just kind of confusing. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this one.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14

With apologies to Fabio, this is the mental pic I have fo Absolom but with even longer hair! A fine physical specimin but evil to the core. (Absolom not Fabio). I just keep picturing him in the I can't believe it's not Butter commercial.

Meanwhile.....another story you will never hear in Sunday School....Actually, I think that in our day and age that some of these stories, if handled correctly, would be great for older teens and young adults. Another disgusting 'what not to do' event recorded. To me it is further proof that the Bible is inspired by God. If man would have written it, he would have painting himself in a much better light. So far (and it will continue) the theme is: Man screwed up, God punished him but forgave him and made a way to cover his sins; man screwed up even worse, God punished him but also made a way of forgiveness.....repeat........repeat......repeat......repeat.  Having sex on the roof with his father's concubines!? For the whole country to see!? Not even our culture is that sick!

Don't miss the importance of Shobi in 2 Sam 17:27. He brought food bedding and all kinds of provisions..THEN David mustered his troops. You may not ever be as famous as King David, but if it weren't for this encouragement from another unsung hero, maybe there would have been more King David. Don't underestimate your value if you are a "Shobi". Maybe you encourage people or house missionaries or give money or write letters. Who knows, but don't underestimate your value to the kingdom.

David does muster his troops and wins the battle. But one ominous thing is noted: The casualties that day were great! Twenty thousand men!!!!! Doesn't it make you wonder if he would have never left the palace and stayed on the defensive rather than on the run if things would have been much less bloody? God never told David his kingdom was done, he never told him to go on the run. As a matter of fact, I don't see where he consulted God at all. This can be summed up in one word: disobedience! We can't  underestimate the negative impact of OUR disobedience either! We don't ever know what the 'casualities' will be. It would be one thing if it only affected us. But things never happen in a vacuum. Actions affect many people.

Absolom gets literally tangled up in the source of a great pride- his hair. David mourns him deeply even though he was trying to steal the kingdom from him. I was suprised that Joab, David's close advisor killed him. I don't remember the end of the story.....if David will be angry at Joab or not. Stay tuned.......

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13

Absolom never needed any Rogaine that is for sure! I checked with the online shekels to pounds converter (who knew we would live in such an age where we could do that!) and found that each time he cut his hair it weighed about 5 pounds!

 It's hard to understand the reconciliation of Absolom and King David at first until you really think about some wayward people in your life. You love them, you are glad to see them but you cannot have a full fledged reconciliation because you know their heart has not changed.

It doesn't take long for Absolom to start showing his true colors. Kind of reminds me of the Bible describing Satan as an 'angel of light'. Beautiful, smooth talker....says all the right things to all the right people...but he harbors desires to overthrow the real king...his father. Full of false humility--if anyone came to bow down before him Absolom would reach out his hand, take hold of him and kiss him. Unheard of behavior for a prince! He stole the hearts of Israel! What a player! Can you not totally picture this guy!!! I may have even seen a version of him on a presidential campaign ad for change (was that my out loud voice?).

Absolom did have quite a little conspiracy going but it does seem that David over reacts a bit. He reverts back to his days of being on the run from Saul. That's what we often do in a panic, revert to something familiar. After Christ was crucified, the disciples, even after they had seen the risen Lord were not sure what to do, so they went back to fishing.

 I love the little side story about Ittai, the foreigner who only arrived the day before. David tells him there is no sense going on the run with him and tells him to go with Absolom. But Ittai modeled the perfect response for us: "Wherever my lord and king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be". 2 Samuel 15:21. It appeaers his loyalty is repaid and if you search his name, you will he becomes an adivsor and military leader with Joab (2 Samuel 18:2,5, 12) even though he had been a foreigner in exile from his country.

But the way, I am not an expert on ancient military stategy but does it make sense to LEAVE the palace rather than gaurd  it. And to leave it in the care of 10 concubines? How in the heck are they supposed to care for it, let alone defend it? Maybe it is a picture of us giving in to Satan, sometimes even without a fight? And what is up with the KING walking barefoot and dejected? And thinking the Lord has given Absolom the kingdom and the Lord has told these men to curse him? The Lord had defended David through all kinds of threats but when it's his own son, he gets tangled up in guilt, depression, hopelessness, regret......he is so busy nursing his emotions that he fails to see that his Hope is the same place it has always been!

I was suprised that this story was not resolved in today's reading. We know the end of the story.....David does return to the throne. But, I guess we will have to wait and see how. A good old fashioned cliff hanger!

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12

I have a feeling that David's parenting failures have a bit to do with the sin in his own life. Perhaps he would have felt hypocritical imposing a standard of morality on his son's that he was not able to live up to. At any rate we see his failure as parent being disasterous for his son and especially his daughter. And he doesn't do much about it. When hears about the rape he is angry. So? What good did that do? None.

If 1 Chronthians 13 can be called the "Love is...." chapter, I think that this could be called the "Love is not" chapter. Love is not lust, wanting your own way, evil, trickery, violence, rape, instant gratification, no thought of the other person and their best interest.......Love is not getting angry about a problem but not dealing with it, not trying to resolve things... There's no record that David did anything for Tamar. Absolom took her into his home and basically patted her on the head and said "There, there, don't let it bother you". I think Absolom really did care about her but was clueless about what to do to help.

Yet another record of a dysfunctional family not fit for the Sunday School flannel board. And again, the Bible does not sanatize it or gloss over it. It's all there as warning and haunting reminder of what NOT to do.......

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 10-11

Have you noticed that we are talking about giants again (descendants of Rapha)? It seems after any mountain top victory (being crowned king, dancing before the ark) there are giants to fight. It seems there was more than one Goliath (literally). Maybe a cousin or some relative....  Sometimes the Bible just cracks me up- the giant with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot - 24 in all (in case you were a little slow in math class?). Aside from the physical giants that David has to fight, he has a different kind of battle on with his fleshly desires. He doesn't fair so well in this battle.

The picture on the left is a fairly recently discovered wall that dates back to the time of Solomon. David's home/palace was near here also. Between the Palastinian homes shown on the right and the (used to be) palace on the left is a valley. The palace would have been even higher up I imagine, so looking over on to someones rooftop would not be much problem. David makes one mistake after another until the sin comes to light (which it always does). I love how God lead Nathan the prophet to tell David this story........things that he can relate to.....things that touch his own heart and then he realizes the man in the story is him!

 A familiar story....I always like to look for things I hadn't noticed before. It says that after Bethsheba mourned for Uriah, that David took her and married her. However it says that the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bore (not David's wife). I found that interesting. David fasts and prays for seven days hoping the Lord will change his mind, but when the child dies- he cleans up goes to the house of the Lord and WORSHIPS!! Same thing Job does when tragedy strikes. I try to mentally prepare myself that should be my first reaction when tragedy strikes. I rehearse it mind......This life is full of tragedy. It is a sin broken world. It's not IF tragedy will strike, it is when. And that needs to be our immediate reaction- WORSHIP. Not that we are thankful for the circumstance but we trust the Hand that has all things under His control.

 David gets back to the business of fighting the enemies around him. We know David's name and fame but the unsung hero's are his Thirty Chief Men and the Three Might Men among those thirty.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 8-9

Seeing this picture gives a little more 'visual' on why Micah would be embarassed. I'm not sure how accurate it is but it did say that he was naked except for the ephod (maybe this is where they got the idea for hospital gowns?). But apparently God is overjoyed with this uninhibited worship and curses Micah with childlessness till the day of her death. I thought that it was interesting that twice it says that David went home to bless his family. Perhaps he thought that he was still on such a 'high' from this experience that he couldn't wait to share it. But Micah is not impressed!
I remember twice having people counsel me specifically that I will want to share this awesome experience with people and noone will really understand. Once after ministering in the garbage dumps in Mexico and once in Israel.
I love the story of Miphibosheth. A beautiful picture of us in our 'damaged and unworthy' state, being invited to eat at the kings table forever. The question that stuck in my mind was, Micah was Saul's daughter. Why was she not concerned with her nephew? It was up to David, Saul's enemy to find a way to honor Saul's family. And on the heel's of Saul's daughter being such a brat, you would think that would be the last thing on his mind.
David inquires of Nathan the prophet about building a temple to the Lord. Nathan however does not consult God and tells the king to do whatever is in his heart. God comes to Nathan in a dream and tells him otherwise. I think that it is pretty easy for any of us to do this. We go about what seems like would be the good and right things. Maybe in our day it would be building churches. That seems 'logical' and 'good' but maybe God is ready to start a major house church movement (not saying that is true, just an example).

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7

David is king, but not everything is automatically rosy. He has good intentions, he wants to bring the ark. He even confered with everyone to check to see if everyone was on the same page. But even though his intentions were good, he forgot to 'read the directions'. Sound like anyone you know? What could be so hard about going from point A to point B? Well, in the 'instruction manual' it says very clearly that who may carry the ark, how they must carry the ark and that they are not to touch the ark. Then David is angry at God and he is also afraid of God! I think we have all thought "my intentions were good, God knows my heart....". Sometimes we can even 'get away with' a mistake like that. But David soon found out that the instructions in this case were critical. It was not like God had kept them a secret.

After God blesses the home of the man where the ark is, David has the BIG lightbulb go off. Then he admits that it was because the Levites had not brought up the ark this first time and he has them consecrate themselves and do it in the correct way, on poles on their shoulders (it would not have tipped if it had not been on a wagon in the first place. He brought it to a tent he had pitched for it.  I assume that this must be a tabernacle type place.

By the way there is a school of thought that is intriguing. I am a little skeptical of it because I don't believe in the whole idea that Mary was sinless etc. But is intriguing none the less. Some people believe that Mary was the "new" ark of the covenant when she carried Jesus. I've even heard that her travels roughly paralell this 'old' arks journey on it's way to Jerusalem.

David unashamedly danced before the ark for joy and with all his might. During our worship time at church, I've been trying to make a consious effort to block out everyone and everything except the Lord and sing the songs to Him. David modeled uninhibited worship.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6

I thought that it was interesting today that it still quite a while before David is King. He does not just automatically walk into his destiny or his calling you might say. There is a process to it....a long one.

The other thing I have been noticing for a while is that even the people we consider to be the most godly are 'victums' you might say of their culture. For instance it seems to be almost expected to go around raiding and plundering. Although David definately brings an elevated standard to it and new level of 'rules' to the 'game'. But he also seems to already be 'collecting' wives too. And assortment of children by these wives who will become very troublesome before you know it.

The other thing that struck me about todays reading is all the warriors who made David king. It seems that they were all prepared by God ahead of time with different talents and abilities. Brave warriors carrying shield and spear, men who undestood the times and knew what Israel should do, and experienced soldiers prepared for battle with every kind of weapon to help David with undivided loyalty. Sounds like a great mix!! He is going to need it because in tommorows reading he is going to take on the Jebusites.

Our guide told us that when David was living in the valley below what is now the Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock that he realized that the Jebusites were using where Abraham nearly sacrificed Issaic as a threshing floor (I'll have to read more to see how much of this is biblical and how much tradition). He realized the site was sacred and wanted to build a temple there in that spot there overlooking all Jerusalem and that motivated him to attack the Jebusites. This is where the Dome of the Rock is today. It's easy to read these stories when you know the outcome and think that we could have had that kind of faith. But would you have enough faith to believe that you could conquer the Muslims and capture the Temple Mount if God were with you? Not that any of us would ever be called to do that, but just to give you something to relate it to.

April 4-5

I had a thought this morning as I was reading my blog to see where I needed to start todays. Usually when I have one of these thoughts, I will Google it to see if other people are thinking along these lines and I came up empty. So take this one for what it is worth...I suddenly saw Jonathan as a type of Holy Spirit (in the Bible, "type" is a special kind of symbol, one that represents something else). He constantly interceded for David as the Holy Spirit does for us, he was a friend that 'stuck closer than a brother', he had 'royalty' rights himself but never sought them, he often protected David and saved his life......  Just a thought.

A little side note, when David asks for the ephod to be brought to him (remember that this is the fancy breastplate thing worn by the priests) and inquires of the urim and thummin, it is thought that there was a pocket in the breastplate with two stones, a white one for 'yes' and a black one for 'no'.
April 4-
David, who lives among his enemies in the royal Philistine city of Gath, returns to find everything he owns gone. David is heartbroken and faces his own type of "Gathsemane" (gath means 'wine press' in both words). There is even talk of his own men stoning him becasue each one was so bitter in spirit because of having lost everything (1 Sam 30:6) BUT David had a different reaction than his men. Although distressed, DAVID encouraged himself in the LORD (1 Sam 30:7). David goes on to win the victory, just a Christ did after Gathsemane, and everything that was stolen from him was returned. In this case, it is easy how we are symbols of the wives and children and everything that was stolen by Satan, but Jesus has snatched us back from the enemy.
April 5- Saul is the perfect picture of a backsliding, waxing and waning, hot and cold Christian. He repents for a while, he acknowledges God for a while and then goes right back to his old ways. He obviously must have banished all mediums and witches at some point, but here he is consulting one. My sister often asks me if mediums etc are 'real'. They obviously have some power of spirits (which are demonic spirits in the guise of 'good spirits') but check out the witch of Endor, she just about has a heart attack when the REAL Samuel comes forth! Interesting that he says that tommorow Saul and sons will be with him. Does that mean Saul went to heaven? I would certainly think that Jonathan did. The "google" jury is split. I tend to think he did. He once had the spirit of the Lord...I feel that is a close to 'salvation' as you get in the OT. But like I said, he was certainly not a good follower, at least not a consistant one. We'll have to look him up in heaven and check it out.
     I still cannot really believe that I was at the exact place where the bodies of Saul and his son hung on the city wall. The Roman city of Scythopolis was built later (and then destroyed by an earthquake and mudslide) but this area is still known as Beit She'an (Beth Shan). If there is ever a biblical mandate against assisted suicided, I think this tells the story. Though Saul probably could not have lived after falling on his own sword and asked to be killed, the man who did it is killed himself for even thinking of doing such a thing. And though Saul has persued David's life for many years, he mourns his death. Not just the death of his friend Jonathan as one would expect, but he mourns for Saul. In his song he asks that the news not be broadcast in enemy territiory. There is no "Ah ha, now I can finally be king". Lots and lots of lessons we can learn from David, the man who God said was man after God's own heart.
The hill above is where the bodies of Saul and his sons would have hung. Apparently a common, though barbaric practice in ancient times. Valient men of Jabesh Gilead journey all night to reverse this terrible humiliation and give the men a more proper burial.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

March 31-April 3

I love how in the Chronological Bible that the Psalms that are associated with the event are interwoven into it. It really gives them new life. Since I am getting behind, I am combining a few days here. I thought seriously about taking my own advice and 'starting with today' but I just could not leave these stories behind. There is too much treasure there.

First my thoughts turn to Jonathan. He would have been the next in line as king. Yet he recognizes David's annointing and future kingship, just like everyone else he comes in contact with. He could have had a form of friendship with David and offered to save him and put in a high position when he himself became king. But he goes way beyond that and completely denies any right to the throne and does everything he can to help David.

Then David- no matter how many times I read the story I am amazing by his reverence for King Saul, the man out to kill him and the man. He has already been handpicked to fill the king's shoes, many have affirmed it. But when given the chance to harm him, he is distressed that he even cut off the edge of his garment. En Gedi is an amazing place by the way. I wish we could have gone there but we did drive by. It is a beautiful, tropical place in the middle of the desert. Just like David's behavior is a breath of fresh air amidst the evil King Saul.

David understood that although you may be at odds (an understatement) with a leader that you respect their God given authority and position. I think that we have completely lost sense in our day. I know that in the Clinton era I found myself telling the same lude jokes as the rest of the world about his behavior. But we are told to respect those in authority over us. "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities," wrote the apostle Paul. "For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God" (Romans 13:1). If ever there were reason to rebel against authority, it would be when the Romans were cruely oppressing them. Yet the apostle Paul, concentrates his life on spiritual matters and when he does come before them on various occasions, he treats them with upmost respect. We (self included) can certainly take a great lesson from that and take the opportunity to be a refreshing oasis in a desert of bad attitutes.
My friend climbing up the desert fortress Masada, just a few miles from the above picture of En Gedi.

March 30 addendum

     As I published the blog for March 30 I saw an advertisement. It was for "My Jewish Learning". I was taken to an easy to understand website about Israel became a state in 1947. That was either quite the coincidence or a God thing. Probably the latter. Anyway, I will include the link here as I did on our FB group and also on the links to the side.
     I signed up for the free email, which gives you Jewish history lessons in small little 'bites'. I know for myself, that I barely got American history straight, and that was back when they taught it correctly! We owe it to ourselves to understand Jewish history if we really want to understand the Bible and way that God is unfolding human history and the end times. And it is very intersesting to learn about from the perspective of it being the one of the greatest fullfillments of Biblical prophesy ever- Israel coming back into their land and yet we do not know as much about it as we should. At least speaking for myself.
    In light of our Chronological reading, we are in the time of the Kings. And there will be many kings, most of them wicked. David will be next and then his son, King Solomon. After King Solomon, the kingdom will be divided in two and the only one that remains, the southern kingdom Judah, will finally become so wicked that they are carried away into captivity in Babylon (modern day Iran). God always promises to bring them back and He does, but they do not rule themselves again. First they are ruled by the Assyrians, the Greeks and then the Romans (I may have missed one), then Ottaman's and all the other AD one's which are a big blur to me right now. But then in 1947- as God always promised in the Bible- He brought them back from North, East, South and West (remember He promised Abraham that He was giving his decendants the land as an everlasting inheritance). In our very own century (well, I guess it was the last century, but we were all born in it, unless you are under 10 years old) ISRAEL became a state again and is ruling itself!!!!!!!! After 3000 years!!!!!!!!!
    I am obviously off on a sidetrack here. But I know that the magnitude of this did not really settle on me until I was there. And I really wanted to share with anyone who will listen because it is a miracle that you will NEVER hear about in the news!!!! Shalom.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

March 31

Today (which is still several days behind our current reading) was the story of David and Goliath. I couldn't really think of much to add to the ancient story but the way I see it, we have a modern day story of David and Goliath unfolding before us. I've already mentioned that Goliath was a Philistine, which is where the word Palastine comes from. There seems to be increasing mantra for a 'two state solution'. Palastine and Israel. First let me say, there a many wonderful Palastinians, many of them are born again Christians. I support a Palastinian child through World Vision. But, politically, I'm as against a 'two state solution' as I am against Goliath standing there and taunting Israel and their God. I think that part of the problem is that when people defend Israel, they talk in terms of "God gave them the land", 'They are God's chosen people" etc. All true. But, that leaves the argument open for those who don't believe in God or at least in that part of Israel's history to consider that the Palastinian's should have an equal share of the country. But, without any of the 'biblical' arguments, Israel still belongs to Israel. They got it in the same way every nation including our own has- the won it militarily- in 1948 in the War of Independence. And they should not give it back any more than we should give back the colonies to England, the west to the Native Americans or Texas to Mexicans. Our country is ours and their country is theirs.

We often hear "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem". I've often struggled with that notion because I know that there will never be lasting peace there before Jesus comes to rule and reign. So why pray for something that is not possible? We can pray that things can be as peaceful as possible. We can pray that peoples eyes are opened to the truth and not just the garbage that the media feeds us. We can pray that Christians will rise up and support Israel financially and in prayer. We can pray for intellengence and technology success. We can pray for many on both sides to come to know the Savior, for the 'lion to lay down with the lamb'. Pray that the Jews will open their eyes to the fact that their Messiah has already come and is coming back. Pray for strong leadership. Pray for more appropriate US policy and support. Pray for God to confuse and confound the enemy and thwart the stated plans to 'wipe Israel off the face of the map'.

Jesus, who conquered sin and death is well up to the task at hand.

March 30

1 Samuel 14-15, 1 Chron 5:10, 18-22. My first question today in reviewing the reading (catching up on blogging) is "Who in the heck are the Hagrites?". I know there a lot of 'ites' in the Bible, and it's hard to keep them straight, but I seriously do not remember any Hagrites. So I poked around a little, and actually the answer is pretty obvious- a confederation of nomadic tribes decsended from Hagar. As far as I know, this is the first and only time an 'ite' tribe bears the name of the matriarch rather than the patriarch. Just one little paragraph about the the Eastern tribes (those on the east side of the Jordon river) fighting against the Hagrites.  But it is a profound little paragraph. God gave them over to the their hands BECAUSE THEY CRIED OUT TO HIM IN BATTLE AND HE ANSWERED THEIR PRAYER, BECAUSE THEY TRUSTED HIM.1 Chron 5:20. And check out the booty they seize: animals, including 50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep, and 2,000 donkeys. 1 Chron 5: 21. I know the eastern tribes are in what is now Jordon, but I just cannot imagine that many animals in that tiny little country. I don't know what they compare Jordon to size-wise but Israel is the size of New Jersey. That's a lot of animals for any size country! I think sometimes we forget that when God fights our battles that we can not only be victorious, but we can steal back more booty than we know what to do with. Happiness, peace, joy unspeakable......all the things the devil steals from us can be won back in abundance!

More and more I am convinced that our greatest witness to the world is to be truly happy! We are surrounded by such miserable people (unfortunatley many of them Christians) that we don't have to bash people on the head with our Bibles. Just show them how HAPPY we are! They will WANT what we have if they see all our great 'booty'. I think that 'booty' needs to be gaurded and nourished too. I'm sure the Israelites had to feed all that livestock. We have to protect and nourish our happiness, peace and joy. I know myself and I know that I 'melt down' and say stupid things etc when I am tired. And I get super cranky. I do my best to plan for recharging times. I am in another one of those times right now. I know not to just keep pushing myself, or I come unglued and I'm not much of witness and NOONE would want my what I have :) Other people maybe can push themselves harder. But whatever the case- feed and water your camels, sheep and donkeys. Dare I say it- Watch your booty!

March 29

1 Samuel 13-14:45  I liked today how Jonathan got tired of sitting around and did something. He knew that God was well able to help them win wheather by many of by few (1 Sam 14:6) but he had not heard directly from God to go ahead and do it. This goes right along with Joyce Meyer program that I watched today on confidence. They were talking about how sometimes you don't feel like you really hear from God even though you have sought Him and that you just need to take a step out and see if His blessing is on the thing or if there are more open doors. Jonathan stepped out and found out that God's blessing was there.

Compared to a whole army, he went alone. But he was not alone, obviously God was there. But so was one other unsung hero- his armor bearer. In light of what we had seen in the story of Ruth about the unnamed servant being a picture of the Holy Spirt, I believe that this is another picture of the Holy Spirit, scaling the mountains of life with us...right at our side.....with us heart and soul. (1 Sam 14:7).

Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the whole armor of God. The helmet of salavation, the breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit (the word of God) etc...We can't do any of that without the help of the Holy Spirit, our armor bearer.

If you have followed my blog at all, you know that I delight in finding these little tidbits in the OT. I think that it is interesting that before they entered the Promised Land, we 'saw' Jesus all over the place and now we are 'seeing' the Holy Spirit all over the place. I'll have to really look for any more "Jesus" appearances but I bet we won't find Him. Just like when He rose from the dead and went to be with the Father, the disciples must have felt like He left them. But He sent someone in His place- the Holy Spirit.

Hope that you are having a blessed Holy week. Sorry the blog is a bit behind. Life happens :)