Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

March 30

1 Samuel 14-15, 1 Chron 5:10, 18-22. My first question today in reviewing the reading (catching up on blogging) is "Who in the heck are the Hagrites?". I know there a lot of 'ites' in the Bible, and it's hard to keep them straight, but I seriously do not remember any Hagrites. So I poked around a little, and actually the answer is pretty obvious- a confederation of nomadic tribes decsended from Hagar. As far as I know, this is the first and only time an 'ite' tribe bears the name of the matriarch rather than the patriarch. Just one little paragraph about the the Eastern tribes (those on the east side of the Jordon river) fighting against the Hagrites.  But it is a profound little paragraph. God gave them over to the their hands BECAUSE THEY CRIED OUT TO HIM IN BATTLE AND HE ANSWERED THEIR PRAYER, BECAUSE THEY TRUSTED HIM.1 Chron 5:20. And check out the booty they seize: animals, including 50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep, and 2,000 donkeys. 1 Chron 5: 21. I know the eastern tribes are in what is now Jordon, but I just cannot imagine that many animals in that tiny little country. I don't know what they compare Jordon to size-wise but Israel is the size of New Jersey. That's a lot of animals for any size country! I think sometimes we forget that when God fights our battles that we can not only be victorious, but we can steal back more booty than we know what to do with. Happiness, peace, joy unspeakable......all the things the devil steals from us can be won back in abundance!

More and more I am convinced that our greatest witness to the world is to be truly happy! We are surrounded by such miserable people (unfortunatley many of them Christians) that we don't have to bash people on the head with our Bibles. Just show them how HAPPY we are! They will WANT what we have if they see all our great 'booty'. I think that 'booty' needs to be gaurded and nourished too. I'm sure the Israelites had to feed all that livestock. We have to protect and nourish our happiness, peace and joy. I know myself and I know that I 'melt down' and say stupid things etc when I am tired. And I get super cranky. I do my best to plan for recharging times. I am in another one of those times right now. I know not to just keep pushing myself, or I come unglued and I'm not much of witness and NOONE would want my what I have :) Other people maybe can push themselves harder. But whatever the case- feed and water your camels, sheep and donkeys. Dare I say it- Watch your booty!

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