Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17

This is just too funny how whatever book I'm reading at the time coordinates with what we are reading. (Thank you Lord, it's helping me get back at it). This morning, in continuing to read my book, "You Were Born for This" (check out yesterdays blog to find out the premise of the book).  I am reading about the second key to being part of everyday miracles. The People Key. God is looking for people to be sensitive from nudges from heaven to deliver miracles from heaven. The problem is that most of us have a whole set of preconceived ideas about our agenda and who and how we want to serve people. Enter the most reluctant servant of all time- drum roll please........JONAH.

Jonah was happy to serve God- in Israel. On his agenda, on his terms. But God asked something very strange of him. He asked him to go to Ninevah. Sounds like the name of a cute little town. There was nothing cute about it. The Assyrians were long time enemies of Israel. They were pagan, idol worshipers. I don't know if it was true for the Ninvites but idol worship in the ancient world usually included all kinds of detestable things such offering child sacrifices, shine name it. The kind of people you aren't even supposed to assosciate with, let alone minister to. (Remember wondering when Israel took over the land and had to drive out these types of people if God was being cruel- he was not he CARES about these people). Jonah even admits why he doesn't want to go.......they might repent!! We may be guilty in our churches of ministering only to a certain kind of people- the kind of people who would 'fit it' with us. The ultimate lesson from Jonah is if you get a nudge from heaven- take it. The alternative can be pretty gross. Actually, more realistically, if you pass up the assignment, God will usually find someone else, or tragically- it may go undone.

The author described a reluctant encounter of his own. He was on a plane trying to finish up a book he was working on. He was on a deadline. It had to be done and this was his only time to work on it. Just as he was thinking that he would have an empty seat next to him and some quiet time to himself- in staggers his seatmate- drunk, loud, obnixious, vulgar and pierced everywhere. He tried to ignore him and work on his book but the drunk guy was persistantly obnoxious. He kept trying to work on his book and the guy asked him if he was a priest. He couldn't imagine where he got that idea and asked him why he thought that. He'd been reading his book over his shoulder- a part about being a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Bruce said, yes, he guessed he was a priest in a way.  He realized he had to listen to what was up with the guy. He turned and listened. He found out that his best friend had been killed the night before. He couldn't help wondering that if that had been him, what would happen after he died. He asked God that if He was real, to please send him a priest!

I know that I am usually too set on my own agenda and checklist to be looking to see what God is up to throughout the day. But I know that I am going to be more aware now! Hope you will be too. By the way, Ninevah is now part of Iraq. Ready to go?

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