Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

Anyone in the Facebook Chronological Bible Reading Group is free to post! If you would like to post- let me know and I'll set you up as an 'author'.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 28

Israel wants a king.......Talk about full disclosure- here God tells them exactly what is going to happen if they have a king (other than Him). And, as God's Word always does, it all comes true as we will see later. Even their best Kings, David and /Solomon, will impose heavy taxes and make great demands on them for the kingdom. Israel knows exactly what it's getting into. The thing I thought was interesting is that it not because they are unhappy with the judges. It is because they 'want to be like all the other nations around them'. In other words, they are teenagers- want to be like everyone else! Actually, we are all guilty of wanting to be like everyone else, teenagers or not.

The other thing I found interesting was that here Saul was just walking around being an ordinary guy looking for a donkey and the next thing you know he is going to be king. Samuel annoints him and tells him that "the Spirit of the Lord will come on you with power.......and you will be changed into a different person". When the spirit of the Lord comes on us we can do things we never thought we could. In a lot of ways I don't 'recognise" the person I am today, but let me tell you, I like myself alot better than I ever have, now that I am letting God's spirti work on me (full disclosure-I'm a work in progress :)

What is it about cutting something or someone up and sending around the pieces? I'll have to read up on this when I have time. I guess it would be the ultimate attention grabber. Who would have transported this? Yuck.

I like Samuel's closing address. If you would have asked me, I would have guessed that this quote comes from Paul in the NT. "Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you". But here it is in the OT. When we first started this group, I was pretty good about sitting down with the list of names and praying for everyone. But I haven't done that in while, it's a good reminder. Especially, since we will see in the life of Saul that once Samuel is gone, things will get ugly.

I'll be gone for a couple days and not sure if I will have maybe I will blog and maybe not.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 26-27

If you've known me long, you know the first thing I want to know about a story is WHERE it took place. I don't why....that's just me (you read the gospels differently when you know that Nazerath is 90 miles from Bethlahem and Bethlamem is few miles from Jerumsalem). So I wanted to know where the story of Samuel took place. I didn't find a super good map, but from what I can tell, the hill country of Ephriam is that area north of Jerusalem. And Shilo is somewhere in that area. I did find it marked on a map, but I remember our guide telling us that are not exactly sure where is was (although in that general area). Intersting that we haven't heard a lot about Shilo (in Israel the prounounce it like Sheila, but with an "o"). You would think that after conquering their enemies, you would hear a detailed description of setting up the center of religious worship, getting the tabernacle all set up and ready........Unless I missed something it's not mentioned much. I'm thinking that this is exactly the reason we are seeing so much idolatry and sin. They did not put first things first. A struggle for all of us. Self included. (I so would rather be scrapbooking on my new program! Don't mean to belabor that, but just letting you know that I know it is not easy).

Back to Hannah. It seems that each time a woman is struggling with not concieving that there is bigger story and her son turns out to be quite amazing. And what a refreshing story after the disgusting one we just experienced. God always keeps a faithful remnant. It makes you wonder where she got this knowlege, every one around here is wicked and even those who are supposed to be the priests are terribly wicked. And I would certainly have second, third and fourth thoughts about leaving the young boy with the priest who thought I was drunk when I was praying and couldn't even raise his own sons. But in great faith, Hannah takes Samuel to be brought up by Eli. Don't you just get a lump in your throat at Hannah making him a little robe every year? Can't you just picture him in his little robe and linen ephod? Isn't the Lord gracious to put something so sweet and tender in the Bible. (Oh, now I've done it- my eyes are getting moist!) How interesting (I had never thought of this) that he was allowed to sleep in the temple? (I assume it was not yet permanant, so maybe it would still be the tabernacle?). No precedent for that....

I just love the story of Dagon the 'god' falling flat on his face before the ark. And it is a very interesting comment that is made by the Philistines that they have asked for advise and they say not to harden your heart like Pharoh did! There may not be any 'offical' Egyptian record of this but the fame of it certainly spread! The story of the ark being returned is interesting also. I am suprised that the Philistines were able to put things in it but the Israelites were struck down for looking inside.

All in all, a story of hope and renewed dedication to the Lord after such sickening wickedness. And the best is yet to come.....the story of the boy that Samuel himself will annoint as king- David.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25 was a tough one! I think that the best summary was at the end: "everyone did as he saw fit". It is just terribly hard to image any one of these scenarios happening, let alone all of them. There are glimmers of hope in it. They build an alter, they ask God what to do, they mourn over a tribe almost wiped out.....

Yesterday, I noted that it was nice that the Bible did not gloss over 'warts'. Today was more than warts, it was ugly to the bone.

If it wasn't bad enough that half the planet desires Israel wiped off the face of the earth, they also almost self-destructed in this instance! This is a little off the topic, but I saw a History Ch. special that talked about DNA mapping to find out what people were related to Attila the Hun. I wonder if that is how they will discover all the lost tribes of Israel.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24.

I got a new software program today which I got way to caught up in. I was not going to blog today and just apologize, but I was still awake and I had read it, so I will try to fulfill my duties here.

The thing that struck me is that the whole story seems kind of random. There were lots of Israelites sinning in a lot of places and this one does not seem THAT significant. I think what makes it significant is that a Levite, God's priest had gone so far astray. Not so different from today...there are many in the pulpit who deny that Jesus was God.  They deny that He is the only way to heaven. They make a pretty good looking counterfit...just like this Danite had an ephod, these men have all the religious trappings but there heart is far from.

This story may sound insignificant at first, but there are several listings of the 12 tribes after this (Revelation for example) that the tribe of Dan is not even mentioned. Interesting too, that it started with his mother, the one who should have been teaching him the ways of of the Lord.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23

The story of Samson. I thought that it was interesting how we go from the beautiful story of Ruth, who finds her redeemer to the story of Samson, who though he has superhuman strength, cannot get his 'flesh' under control. I think the same is true of us spiritually- after we meet our Redeemer, we have unlimited spiritual strength available through the Holy Spirt but we are so busy with our 'flesh' and it's desires that we don't put that strength to any good use. Pictured here are a couple guys on our tour immitating Samson.

A little side note here.  The never conquered land of the Philistines still exists today. You may know it better as the "Gaza Strip". Even on ancient maps it is known as Gaza. When Rome ruled Israel they wanted to wipe out the name that Israel was most commonly known as - Judah (Jews, Jewish...... ). So they started using the name that the Philistines used- Palastine (p.s.-who do YOU support, David or Goliath? Israel or Palastinians? I think it will get harder and harder to be nuetral)

Back to Samson! Honestly, has a more hormone driven man ever lived? I just love how people's flaws are not glossed over in the Bible. They are right out there for us to relate to. If you bought an offical book of Bill Clinton's presidency, a 'White House' approved one, do you think it would mention Monica Lewinski? Those things are usually reserved for tabloid type press. But, here in the Holy Bible, we have everyone with all their warts.

You would have thought that Samson would 'catch on' after the first couple times the Philistines come after him. (That reminds me of a joke. God told Adam that he made him two fantastic organs. One to think with, and one to reproduce with. Only problem is the two could never be used at the same time). It seems to me that here the biggest issue is pride. Even when he did tell the 'real' secret of his strength, he still thinks he can just rise up and take them. Then he realizes that the Lord has departed from him. I think he was forgetting who was the 'real' source of his strength all along. Easy to do.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22

I love the story of Ruth. I was not sure what I could possibly add to it, as most people who have been in church very long have heard the story many times.

But I always manage to have a few stray thoughts floating around, so here goes. First, the setting. Bethlahem, is not a very big place. But an awful lot happened in this little town on the outskirts of Jersualem! The story of Ruth and Boaz, the story of their great-grandson David the shepherd/king and then of course the birth of their most famous offspring 30 generations later- Jesus the ultimate Shepherd/King and Kinsman Redeemer.

In doing a little research,  a "Character" in the story came to life that I had never considered. The 'unnamed servant' who introduces Ruth and Boaz. This is suggestive of the role that the Holy Spirit plays in introducing us to our Redeemer. This is not the only time that the Holy Spirit can be seen in this role. In Genesis 24 the 'chief servant' goes to Abraham's family to find a bride for Issiac. In John 16 we are told that the Spirit does not speak on His own, but that He will make Jesus known to us.

And if you think it is odd that an obviously well to do Israelite would take a Gentile woman from a pagan country as his wife- consider who Boaz' mother was. Rahab the Harlot of Jericho. And consider that both these women were in Jesus geneology. Not hidden away some where so that you would have dig for it (wasn't he married to so and so?) ...but actually mentioned in the geneology that Matthew provides in Chapter 1. And Tamar is mentioned, the woman who tricked her father in law into sleeping with her......they are all in there. If you have a few skelatons rattling around in your family closet, relax......Jesus did too!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21

Enter another unlikely Judge/leader of Israel. Jephthan, the son of a prostitute who has been banished by his 'legitamate' brothers. He hangs around in the hill country of Ephraim (in modern days that is the Golan Heights, north of the Sea of Galilee) with a bunch of Indiana Jones wanna be's. They get their opportunity when Jephthan's (let's just call him Jeff) brothers want him to save them, because they were in great distess.

Again, we find the reason that they are in great distress is that they have served other gods, just like they were told not to. This is going to be a cycle repeated more times than one can count. They weren't too picky....they served them all. The gods of Moab to the extreme south by the Dea Sea to the gods of the Phillistines in the strip of land along the Mediterranian. Not too fussy, let's try a little of everything. When they cry out to God to and He reminds them of all the times they forsook Him and says He will no longer save them. But when they go beyond just being sorry and actually give up all their gods, He could bear their misery no longer. Judges 10:16

I found it interesting that though Jeff was a banished outcast, he knew Israel's history of coming out of Egypt backward and forward. He made one critical mistake though, making a vow to the Lord. It cannot be broken. And tragically he swears to the Lord that if He givens them victory that the first thing that comes to his door, he will sacrifice. There are quite a few things wrong with this. He does say 'whatever' not 'whoever' comes to his door he will sacrifice, but what would a goat or bull (which are appropriate sacrifices) be doing IN his house and coming to his door? There is no record that God holds him to his promise, but everyone is keenly aware, even the daughter, that a vow to God cannot be broken.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20

Well, Gideon, the reluctant warrior seems to have found his back bone and then some!

Satan just loves to keep us out of a healthy balance. First, Gideon was way too timid demanding multiple signs from God before making a move. Then after God hands the Mideons over to him and his small little band and he is pursing their kings, he curses the city that will not give him and his men bread.

Then things get very personal. His finds out the the 2 kings have killed his brothers. He kills them and takes the ornaments off their camels neck. Doesn't sound like too big of a deal....but God is pretty picky about when you can have booty and when you cannot. It doesn't mention that this is sin, but perhaps it's the first little step in a downward spiral......

To his credit, Gideon refuses to be king. He tells them correctly, that the Lord will rule over them. We here in America are blessed with the best form of government on earth- democracy. But, as you well know, it is far from perfect. The original and perfect plan of government is Theocracy- GOD ruling over His people. Good for Gideon.......but then he gets an idea. To gather up some gold (things never go well when it starts this way) and make an ephod. Sounds innocent enough.....But only priests are to wear ephods. And priests are of the line of Levi and are appointed only by God. We aren't told why he decided to do this, maybe because the priesthood was currupt, maybe he saw himself as a type of priest. Maybe he thought he make something "religous". Who knows, but we do know that did not consult God and it did not turn out well. It was a snare for him and the whole country. We are also not told, but I think it started with anger and revenge when he found out those kings killed his brothers. Satan go a little foothold in his mind. A door was cracked.

The lesson is the same as at Ai- even after a great victory, you must consult God or you get messed up doing things in your own strength and it doesn't turn out well at all. I think a great many Christians have fallen in the same trap. Doing things that seem like they are FOR God, but in reality it does not have His blessing at all. I can see where this would be especially true for people in full time ministry, but it certainly applies to all of us.

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19

It looks like I went a little too far yesterday with my reading and blogging. Sometimes I miss those little symbols. So I will use to today to do a who's who review. It's soooo easy to forget who's who!!!
The Midianites are decsended from Moses and his second wife, Keturah. (What follows is abbeviated from Net Bible)

The peninsula of Sinai was the pasture-ground for their flocks. They were virtually the rulers of Arabia, being the dominant tribe. Like all Arabians, they were a nomad people.
  • It was to one of their caravans that Joseph was sold (Gen. 37:28, 36). The next notice of them is in connection with Moses' flight from Egypt
  • (Ex. 2:15-21). Moses became the servant in Midian and afterwards the son-in-law of Reuel or Jethro, the priest.
  • After the Exodus, the Midianites were friendly to the Israelites so long as they traversed only their outlying pasture-ground on the west of the Arabah; but when, having passed the southern end of Edom, they entered into the land of Midian proper, they joined with Balak, the king of Moab, in a conspiracy against them (Num. 22:4-7). Balaam, who had been sent for to curse Israel, having utterly failed to do so, was dismissed by the king of Moab; nevertheless he still tarried among the Midianites, and induced them to enter into correspondence with the Israelites, so as to bring them into association with them in the licentious orgies connected with the worship of Baal-Peor. This crafty counsel prevailed. The Israelites took part in the heathen festival, and so brought upon themselves a curse indeed. Their apostasy brought upon them a severe punishment. A plague broke out amongst them, and more than twenty-four thousand of the people perished (Num. 25:9). But the Midianites were not to be left unpunished. A terrible vengeance was denounced against them. A thousand warriors from each tribe, under the leadership of Phinehas, went forth against them. The Midianites were utterly routed. Their cities were consumed by fire, five of their kings were put to death, and the whole nation was destroyed (Josh. 13:21, 22). Balaam also perished by the sword, receiving the "wages of his unrighteousness" (Num. 31:8; 2 Pet. 2:15).
  • The whole of the country on the east of Jordan, now conquered by the Israelites, was divided between the two tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh.
  • Some two hundred and fifty years after this the Midianites had regained their ancient power, and in confederation with the Amalekites and the "children of the east" they made war against their old enemies the Israelites, whom for seven years they oppressed and held in subjection. They were at length assailed by Gideon in that ever-memorable battle in the great plain of Esdraelon, and utterly destroyed (Judg. 6:1-ch. 7). Frequent allusions are afterwards made to this great victory (Ps. 83:10, 12; Isa. 9:4; 10:6). They now wholly pass away from the page of history both sacred and profane.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18

I was so excited when I opened my Bible and found it was about Deborah and Barak and then Gideon today! Two of my favorites! Another Barak I know could learn a few things!
This photo shows the Jezreal valley where this all took place. Picture iron chariots here...It's really hard to explain the topography. Except for in the cities and around Galilee, you feel like you can see everywhere. There are many hills surrounding the valley, and from any vantage point in the valley (it is flat for miles and miles) or on any of the hills you feel like you can see forever!  I'm actually standing on Mt Carmel where Elijah called out the prophets of Ba'al. But soooo many things happened in this valley (including this story). If you read my blog, it only scratched the surface. Mt. Gilboa (the spring of Haron at the foot of it, where Gideon kept eliminating warriors) is somewhere in back of me.

First, whiney little Barak.....I love it......."Well, I'll go but only if Deborah goes with me!". (this woman whose claim to fame is being like original Judge Judy under a palm tree). I believe that male leadership was indeed designed by God. But when they step down......or don't step up  (which I think has happened a LOT in our society), God WILL let a woman  step up to the plate and then hold on to your hat!! Or your chariot cuz we are chasing you out of town!! Not a man was left except the commander Sisera who fled on foot. Barak does purse him (come on he had 10,000 troops and he is the only one left....get him already) but it's when he meets up with another woman who drives a tent stake in his head that the job is finally done. We know the story and we are 'used to it'. But what if you saw this headline this morning "Woman kills Osama Bin Ladan with tent stake"? Whoa!

 This account simply says that the enemies were 'routed'. When we were there, they told us that because of the rain the chariots got caught in the mud. It does mention rain in the song.

Enter Gideon.....another reluctant warrior, from the tribe of Manasseh who had a large territory on each side of the Jordon. The Midianites are absolutely wrecking havoc with them, forcing them to hide out in caves for fear of their lives. The Lord appears to him and he asks Him what is on many peoples mind, "If the Lord is for us, then why has all this happened to us?". A question that I'm sure has been asked by every generation of Jews right up to the present day. And a question that has been asked by many others. No answer is given, except to 'go in the strength that you have'. And clearly, God was with him (that was his strength) and he was given the victory.

 Before going to war (and testing God multiple times to see if God reeeaaaalllly wants him to do this). He takes care of some business. He smashes down his fathers alters to Ba'al and his Asherah pole and builds a proper alter to the Lord. I love the answer his father gives...."Well, if Ba'al is a god, he can defend himself when someone breaks down his alter".

Even after God giving him multiple (multiple, multiple....) signs Gideon is still reluctant until God has him spy on the camp. They find out that the enemy is terrified of them. They sneak up on them in the middle of the night, blow trumpets and smash pottery. The enemy gets so confused they kill each other.

Don't you just LOVE these stories of God's power and provision. I do!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17

How little has changed in 3500 years! Except for the Moabites, Israel is still dealing with all these same people. The "Philistines" are in Gaza and West Bank, Meopotamia would be Iran, Iraq etc.... Moab is in Jordon, and as of right now, Israel enjoys very good relations with Jordon.

In just one generation, despite all the warnings, all the ways they are told to teach the next generation etc etc...Here they are serving the Baal's and Asheras already!!!!!!!  I guess that serves as a huge warning to us as well, the our faith is only one generation away from extinction. And that no matter what huge
 miracles the Lord does in our life that it is up to us to teach the next generation to love and trust the Lord.

A left handed do you like that! I assume that it was so unusual that it was specifically mentioned. And I don't know about you...but I just couldn't help having a visual of Jabba the Hutt with him killing the fat king.

Now, you may know that a very larger percentage of presidents are left handed. And in our own critical care unit, about half of us are. So here is where left handed superiority has it's origin!! If you haven't guessed, or don't know, yes, I am left handed!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16-17

Choose this day who you will serve........

Have you ever made a commitment to the Lord at camp or an old fashioned revival, or at church? My mother used to tell me that I needed to 'turn over a new leaf'. (Now that I turned out pretty decent, she forgets that she ever had to say that.) I think that these are very important decisions but they are just begining steps. Each new day, you must make the decision.......choose this day who will serve.

The Israelites joyfully and repeatedly confirmed their decision. But it quickly fell apart on the obedience end of it. They didn't get rid of the pagen population like they were instructed. I'm sure that they were overwhelmed with emotion, just having seen incredible victories at the hand of the Lord and getting to settle in their new areas after their families had wandered for 40 years. For generations their forfathers had known nothing but either slavery or wandering. And now they were about to settle in a land flowing with milk and honey and live in cities their hands had not built.

But somewhere in the 'daily' of life......things started to slide. Probably just a little at first. But we will read soon that they will be worshiping along with the pagans. Decisions have to be lived out in the 'daily' of life. And they have to be lived out in the often difficult decisions of obedience.

Ask me this day who I will serve! The Lord, Who made heaven and earth! But have stepped up to the latest obedience challenge you've been hit with yet? I have gotten some under my belt, so to speak, some are a continual struggle. And it doesn't get easier. I know older people who think they have it made because they are no longer tempted by the things they were in their youth. But if they were really, really growing there would be constant challenges.

Luckily along with each challenge that is successfully met comes a new level of joy unspeakable that is so strong that it just makes you grit your teeth and face the new challenges because you are NOT going to give up that intamate relationship with the Savior.

In the NT, the writer of Hebrews puts it in terms of a race (Heb 12:1-3)A star athlete doesn't let anything distract or entangle him. His one and only focus is whatever the race is in front of him. His life and training revolve around one thing. It's great to have the 'Who ya gonna serve' cheerleading sessions, but it's lived out day to day, decision by decision, step by step.........Not easy, but totally worth it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 13-14

I looked through a lot of maps, and was not thrilled with any of them but at least this gives you a visual on the what the tribes were given.

When we toured around the Golan Heights surrounding above the Sea of Galilee, these areas are still refered to by their 'tribal' names (at least by our guide).
One thing that was a complete eye opener for me, seeing it on a map was the HUGE area of Manasseh.
When it was always refered to as the 'half tribe of Menasseh', I thought it was because it was split with Ephraim. But, the tribe itself is literally split in half and has two different areas.

This map below does not show the little strip that was not conquered and remained in the lands of the Philistines (but the one above does), which will be very problematic for Israel and is to this day. You may know it as the Gaza strip. (by the way the word 'Palestine' is derived from Philistine and was used by Roman's trying to wipe out the name of 'Judah'). It's the little white strip to the south by the Mediterainian.

It would be a very interesting study to see how these areas match up with Jacobs blessings. I don't have time to do it today (trying to realize my limitations) but someone let the group know if they do it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12

And again, the Israelites do not inquire of the Lord as to what to do.........Hmmm........didn't we just have that problem at Ai? Well, it's not as easy as it sounds, human nature being what it is, it's just not that easy to "inquire of the Lord" when you have your own ideas.

I just blogged about this and turned right around and screwed it up myself. Since I got home from my trip, I have soooo much that I need to do, sooo much I want to do...sooo much I should do...  Laundry, cleaning, paying bills, mail sorting, start my exercise program back up, finish editing my travel blog, start being more regular with my Bible blog, read the parts I missed, work on my pictures and photo albums., when was my daughter in law's baby shower again? I need to get plane tickets to see my exchange student graduate (when?) and oh yeah....what about going to see Joyce Meyer in GR.....on and on and on. I haven't even located my date book and moved back into a 'non-travel' purse. So, I was half stewing/half praying (if you count upwardly complaining as praying) about everything this morning and I had the DUH moment. I had not even inquired of the Lord. I asked the Lord to help me set my priorities and do what needs to be done and to help me know which order to do things in.

I didn't 'hear from heaven' right then, but while I was driving to work, I had this strong impression :'clean the house'. Oh, man, that's what I would put last on the list. So, I thought about it and I thought that probably everything else would go smoother if I had things tidied up and I could figure out where things were and I would be more at peace in a 'better' enviornment (ps. where did that maid go that made my bed every day for 11 days??).

I got the chance to work 1/2 day today so I thought ,GREAT...I'll catch up a little. Knowing that I should get cleaning, I reasoned....I WILL clean the house, just as soon as I finish this one 'quick' one hour photo book. I want to be able to give it my friend who went with me on Sunday (not to mention show it off at our fellowship group on Sat). Then I had to pick it up, so as long as I was at Meijers I got a few groceries. Go thome, ate,  paid a few the last bill paid at 7pm and then just like someone pulled a plug- all the energy drained right out of me. And I still could not see the top of my dresser or bathroom vanity and I was in no mood to clean the clutter.  Now to those of you who are neat freaks and very organized perhaps this scenario doesn't resonate with you. But, I just thought it was so funny how I can blog about 'inquiring of the Lord' and so quickly screw it up!! I did suck it up and do at least a 'parital spiffy'. I can see my dresser and sink at least. But, I can't help but think how much more smoothly things would have went if I would have listened to what I felt the Lord was telling me to do.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 10

If you have even wondered why you don't hear more about lost city of Jericho, it is in Palastinian Territory. They are not exactly excited about people digging around in there. Here is a link to what they have found.

To me the bigger and more intersting story here is not of Jericho which we all know about but of Ai. With Jericho they sought God's advise on exactly how to conquer this large walled city. They had everyone involved. Then they spied out Ai and thought, "Man, this is going to be a piece of cake". We don't even need the whole army to wipe out this little hick town. They were getting prideful and thinking that THEY had wiped out Jericho- quickly forgetting the Lord. Then it comes to light that not only had they not sought the Lord, or any of His instructions but that someone had sinned and taken things they were not supposed to. It seems from the accounts that I have read that sometimes they are allowed to take the plunder and sometimes not. I am not sure if there is a 'rule of thumb' or if they have to wait for the Lord's instructions each time. I guess we will find out as we go.

At any rate, they take care of the sin problem, consecrate themselves and THEN follow the Lord's instructions. Then they have victory. A good pattern to follow. I know that we are all soooo proned to think, "well, this worked in the past" or "this worked for so and so". But we have to seek the Lord EACH time!!

March 9

Can you imagine- God Himself buried Moses. I just can't quite comprehend that.......

We were able to see Mt Nebo where God showed Moses all of the Promised Land. From a couple vantage points on our trip (from a distance). Apparently you can see an awful lot from there. On a clear day they say you can see all the way to Jerusalem. But I don't think that he could have seen all God showed him with just the naked eye. I think he gave him some supernatural vision. When we were on top of Masada, the guide pointed out where there is a white church commemorating the event, but it must have been so small that I didn't even notice and deleted it. This is the closest I can this neighborhood- our team who climbed Masada, Dead Sea in the backgroud-Jordon on the other side. Nebo is in Jordon). Did you notice they mentioned the "Sea of Salt", that is the Dead Sea. What an interesting place.

The most exciting part of the passage for me today was the appearance of the Lord's Commander. I believe this to be Jesus Himself. Many are told when angels appear not to worship them, but Joshua is told to take off his sadles, he is on Holy ground. I thought the answer to the question is He was for them or for their enemies was interstesting, Neither. Although Israel was God's chosen people, He always made provisions for foreigners to live among them, as long as they were obeying His commands. And several in Jesus own lineage were foreigners. He is on the side of long as sin is not coming between them and Him.

Even though they end up almost wiping the people out when they take possession of the land, He tells them basically "It's not because you are so great, but because they are so wicked". Sorry I can't find the verse. Maybe someone can help me out. But while looking for it I read a bunch of craziness about how God commanded them to a holy war, how could a loving God demand genicide..... Well.....look at Rahab the Prostitite, who ends up being in the line of Messiah herself. There is always salvation available for the repentant. I love how she tells the spies that they are melting in fear because they KNOW that the Lord has given them this land.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 8

What jumped out to me today was Moses telling Joshua to be strong and courageous. "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

I REALLY needed that today. Many times on my 11 day trip to Israel, which was the ultimate of mountain top experiences I wondered what would be waiting 'in the valley'. It's not that I am pessimistic, but it is so often a pattern that after a 'super high' that you are tested 'in the valley' so to speak. I prayed many times that I would be up to the challenge whatever it was. I gave myself two days off  before I went back to work, which I now know was not nearly enough. I was still completely exhausted and time warped.

I worked three 12 shifts in Critical Care had one day off and worked again. I have known the person I cared for a long, long time. I was not prepared for the emotional toll and devestating effect it would have on me. I have to turn the situation over the Lord, not be afraid and not be discouraged. 

These four days became not about policies and procedures and protcols and documentation and vital signs.......but about gut wrenching human emotions.

This situation is now out my control -not that it ever was in my control- but I can have no influence on the situation at all other than in prayer. It was very comforting to read "The LORD HIMSELF goes before you!!".

March 7

Today is March 9, I just feel like I had to start at the begining of a section and there are so many beautiful things here.

We are God's TREASURED possession Deut 26:18. Does that blow your mind like it does mine?? Of course, He is talking about the children of Israel, but also us who are the children of the Promise, Rom 9:6-9.

God's promises of these passages are still being fulfilled!!! Deut 28:7. Maybe some of you are better up on history than I am. In 1967, the last thing on my 8 year old mind was the 6 Day War that Israel fought.And I can't say I paid much attention after that either.  But on Feb 20-23, along with my tour group to Israel, I stayed in a quaint, peaceful hotel that used to be in Syrian territory before this war, on the west side of the Sea of Galilee (google maps insist it still is Syria). We enjoyed a beautiful sunset there.

 I had never really understood what the 'big deal' was about the Golan Heights. Well, let's say you live on Bass Lake (trying to pick a lake you can see all the way around). And your enemy, who wants to destroy you, lives on the opposite side. What is between you and them? Nothing really. On June 5th, 1967  little bitty Israel launched a war and pushed Syria out of this area and won in SIX DAYS. They fought Egypt, Syria, Jordon and Iraq. What is wrong with this picture??? Humanly speaking it's impossible. But they are His TREASURED POSSESSION!!  They pushed Syria back out of the entire Golan area and now have a one mile UN enforced buffer zone. And talk about "your basket being full" Deut 28:5, I am here to tell you, I ate the best strawberrys here that I have EVER eaten in my LIFE. Sugar would have ruined them!! (Jason bought them for me-my new bff)

Below left, my buddy Youth Pastor, Jason, standing on some of the ruins of a church they believe was built to commemorate the area where Jesus cast the demons into the pigs. A few yards from here are the remains of Syrian bunkers. Our hotel is down the road to the right. The other photo shows the territory Israel won back in the 6 Day War. When the Lord is for you, who can be against you?