I looked through a lot of maps, and was not thrilled with any of them but at least this gives you a visual on the what the tribes were given.
When we toured around the Golan Heights surrounding above the Sea of Galilee, these areas are still refered to by their 'tribal' names (at least by our guide).
One thing that was a complete eye opener for me, seeing it on a map was the HUGE area of Manasseh.
When it was always refered to as the 'half tribe of Menasseh', I thought it was because it was split with Ephraim. But, the tribe itself is literally split in half and has two different areas.
This map below does not show the little strip that was not conquered and remained in the lands of the Philistines (but the one above does), which will be very problematic for Israel and is to this day. You may know it as the Gaza strip. (by the way the word 'Palestine' is derived from Philistine and was used by Roman's trying to wipe out the name of 'Judah'). It's the little white strip to the south by the Mediterainian.
It would be a very interesting study to see how these areas match up with Jacobs blessings. I don't have time to do it today (trying to realize my limitations) but someone let the group know if they do it.
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