We are God's TREASURED possession Deut 26:18. Does that blow your mind like it does mine?? Of course, He is talking about the children of Israel, but also us who are the children of the Promise, Rom 9:6-9.
God's promises of these passages are still being fulfilled!!! Deut 28:7. Maybe some of you are better up on history than I am. In 1967, the last thing on my 8 year old mind was the 6 Day War that Israel fought.And I can't say I paid much attention after that either. But on Feb 20-23, along with my tour group to Israel, I stayed in a quaint, peaceful hotel that used to be in Syrian territory before this war, on the west side of the Sea of Galilee (google maps insist it still is Syria). We enjoyed a beautiful sunset there.
I had never really understood what the 'big deal' was about the Golan Heights. Well, let's say you live on Bass Lake (trying to pick a lake you can see all the way around). And your enemy, who wants to destroy you, lives on the opposite side. What is between you and them? Nothing really. On June 5th, 1967 little bitty Israel launched a war and pushed Syria out of this area and won in SIX DAYS. They fought Egypt, Syria, Jordon and Iraq. What is wrong with this picture??? Humanly speaking it's impossible. But they are His TREASURED POSSESSION!! They pushed Syria back out of the entire Golan area and now have a one mile UN enforced buffer zone. And talk about "your basket being full" Deut 28:5, I am here to tell you, I ate the best strawberrys here that I have EVER eaten in my LIFE. Sugar would have ruined them!! (Jason bought them for me-my new bff)

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