Many of the plagues were selective- they afflicted the Egyptians and not the Hebrews. But the plague of death (the price for sin) affected everyone's firstborn. HOWEVER, salvation was available in the form of a substitute- a perfect lamb. The blood of a perfect lamb on the wooden cross posts of the door of their home and the Angel of Death would pass by. Only once the blood was applied and price for sin paid could they begin their new journey to the Promised Land. Just like the blood of Jesus saves us and we embark on a new life.
It's just amazing that 3000 years later, the Passover is still celebrated. I would assume that it has to be the longest running traditional celebration in history. In record numbers, our blessed Jewish friends are begining to realize that Jesus is indeed their Messiah, their salvation as well as ours. And the Passover is one the most absolutely beautiful pictures of it.
I could never do this topic justice, but I did find this great video that I hope you will watch. It is very well done and shows us Jesus as the Passover Lamb. A Jewish believer in Jesus explains:
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