Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan 6 thoughts

I'm always seeing something new! As God confirmed His covenant with Abram, and Abram asks when he will take possession of the land, God tells him that the 'sin of Amorites has not reached it's full measure". I had to really think about (and google) that for a while. Apparently, the Israelites taking possession of the Promised Land is not only a fullfillment of their promise, but a punishment of Amorites (those people living in the land). It was always a little difficult to understand that God would have them kill all the inhabitants of land as they possessed it (I'm jumping ahead of reading, but I think most of us know what's coming up). Just as God was patient with the people before the flood and held off his judgment, he was patient with the people living in the Promised Land also. But His paitence doesn't last forever.

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