If you are like me, your life is filled with 'buts'. I want to obey God completely.....but.......
The last couple days readings had me reflecting on this. Noah built the ark just as instructed. Even though some experts say it has never rained yet, that the earth was waters by springs and vapor canopy. And as one of our members pointed out...he built it with just one door, like he was told. I'm sure he had no way of knowing that would be a word picture of salvation by Jesus alone for us for generations to come.
And I just had to wonder what those seven days were like BEFORE it started raining and they were shut up in the ark. Was Mrs. Noah saying.....it's NOT raining..I told you this was a stupid idea. Were the kids complaining about having left behind their friends? Were people outside mocking and laughing?
And Abram pulled up his tent stakes and followed God to a land that he would show him. No map, no GPS. No IM or Facebook or even pony express to keep in touch with the folks back home.
These great men also had great screw ups. Huge ones. But they are heros for their believing and following. So when you screw up, like I do, dust yourself off and start believing and following again (after asking forgiveness and turning around in the right direction of course).
I love how 'human' the Bible is. If man were to make it up he would have painted himself in a much better light. It makes it so much more believable.
14 years ago
Noah's "kids" were 100 years old, with wives, but no kids of their own yet. Based on the ages of the other people listed in chapter 5, they were "spring chickens". :)
I think maybe the SMELL would get to me! Somewhere I heard the theory that the animals were all young, not full-grown so they didn't take up as much room. I wonder if the flies, mosquitoes, fleas came in on purpose in twos or just rode in on host animals in swarms? :(
Dorothy M.
I've heard the theory about the animals being young too...
I knew the 'kids' were adults and had wives but I guess I hadn't noticed they were quite that old. But I have adult children and I know they whine on occasion :)
Hadn't thought about the smell..whew!
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