Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

Anyone in the Facebook Chronological Bible Reading Group is free to post! If you would like to post- let me know and I'll set you up as an 'author'.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sept 16

Job 32-37. Sometimes the lesson is simpler than  you think- (and it's one I am struggling to learn myself). You just need to shut up! Enter a new charachter in the drama: Elihu. To his credit he has listened to all the arguments and has listened well. He even quotes Job on some occasions. He just cannot contain himself- it's finally his turn to speak. He had to wait until everyone older than him was done and now he goes for it. Like the others, he doesn't really say anything that one would consider 'terrible theology'. Except for the fact that suffering is not always a punishment and meant to get your attention, nothing any of the say is "wrong" per se.

But Elihu doesn't really bring anything new to the party. Just more of the same endless stuff. The only thing that I can think to say, is something that I should say to myself more often: Shut Up Already. Does anyone think to try to help Job in any sort of a practical way? Not that I can see. Just talk torture to add salt to the wound. Hopefully, we never have to suffer like Job. But there are a lot of good lessons. The one that screams at me today is SHUT UP! And so I think I shall (for now :)

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