We've read about or seen in movies the parting of the Red Sea for years.
What really interested me was the angel with them. I've always known about 'the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night' but I hadn't really noticed the 'angel of God' was with them. Both the angel and the cloud had been ahead of the Israelites and both went behind them when they crossed the Red Sea(Ex 14:19-20). I got to wondering if this is another ('Where's Waldo') preconfiguration of Christ and therefore the trinity. I'm thinking it is as later in Exodus 23: 20 it says 'my Name is in him' and 'he will not forgive your rebellion'. Only God (Jesus) can forgive sins (not sure why he would not forgive something.....we'll have to tackle that when we get there)
Talk about God's got your back!! "The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still" (Ex 14:14)
Jody, my wife and I are undergoing a serious struggle with a foster care case. After a year, the judge has ordered immediate overnight visits with the bio-mom, who is not prepared to handle this. I urged her to trust the Lord, and I shared this passage with her this morning. Exodus 14:14 was precisely what she needed to hear this morning. Great timing, and no coincidence I'm sure.
Tim, the Lord certainly does speak to us in His word doesn't He? I was struck by this passage also and got an email from my sister that she also was. One of the greatest miracles in the Bible happening here (parting of the Red Sea) and we often miss the stuff happening 'in the back'. Great stuff!
I cannot imagine how difficult the whole foster care situation is. God bless you and your wife!
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