Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

Anyone in the Facebook Chronological Bible Reading Group is free to post! If you would like to post- let me know and I'll set you up as an 'author'.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24.

I got a new software program today which I got way to caught up in. I was not going to blog today and just apologize, but I was still awake and I had read it, so I will try to fulfill my duties here.

The thing that struck me is that the whole story seems kind of random. There were lots of Israelites sinning in a lot of places and this one does not seem THAT significant. I think what makes it significant is that a Levite, God's priest had gone so far astray. Not so different from today...there are many in the pulpit who deny that Jesus was God.  They deny that He is the only way to heaven. They make a pretty good looking counterfit...just like this Danite had an ephod, these men have all the religious trappings but there heart is far from.

This story may sound insignificant at first, but there are several listings of the 12 tribes after this (Revelation for example) that the tribe of Dan is not even mentioned. Interesting too, that it started with his mother, the one who should have been teaching him the ways of of the Lord.

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