Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 9

Can you imagine- God Himself buried Moses. I just can't quite comprehend that.......

We were able to see Mt Nebo where God showed Moses all of the Promised Land. From a couple vantage points on our trip (from a distance). Apparently you can see an awful lot from there. On a clear day they say you can see all the way to Jerusalem. But I don't think that he could have seen all God showed him with just the naked eye. I think he gave him some supernatural vision. When we were on top of Masada, the guide pointed out where there is a white church commemorating the event, but it must have been so small that I didn't even notice and deleted it. This is the closest I can this neighborhood- our team who climbed Masada, Dead Sea in the backgroud-Jordon on the other side. Nebo is in Jordon). Did you notice they mentioned the "Sea of Salt", that is the Dead Sea. What an interesting place.

The most exciting part of the passage for me today was the appearance of the Lord's Commander. I believe this to be Jesus Himself. Many are told when angels appear not to worship them, but Joshua is told to take off his sadles, he is on Holy ground. I thought the answer to the question is He was for them or for their enemies was interstesting, Neither. Although Israel was God's chosen people, He always made provisions for foreigners to live among them, as long as they were obeying His commands. And several in Jesus own lineage were foreigners. He is on the side of long as sin is not coming between them and Him.

Even though they end up almost wiping the people out when they take possession of the land, He tells them basically "It's not because you are so great, but because they are so wicked". Sorry I can't find the verse. Maybe someone can help me out. But while looking for it I read a bunch of craziness about how God commanded them to a holy war, how could a loving God demand genicide..... Well.....look at Rahab the Prostitite, who ends up being in the line of Messiah herself. There is always salvation available for the repentant. I love how she tells the spies that they are melting in fear because they KNOW that the Lord has given them this land.

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