Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The first thing that got me wondering today is who is Agur and who is King Lamuel. I found some theories but no 'pat' answers. It seems that they may be both other names for Solomon but if you are interested in other theories, here is an experert in OT and this thoughts on the subject

Proverbs 31. Has the Proverbs 31 woman ever annoyed you? She has me! Whenever I heard devotionals about "her", I would cringe inside. I felt like it was an impossibly high standard that noone could ever live up to. I've always had my own idea of what 'she' is that is way beyond what the text is. You know her, she home schools her kids or if they are in public school she is on every commitee at school. She never has a hair out of place, she teaches Sunday School, works in the kitchen, runs women's ministry, attends every Bible study, makes her huband's lunch, provides nutritious, home cooked meals at the table every night........she tithes and then some, her socks are always matched (a particular challenge of mine!), she has never had rebellious, snarly day in her life. She was valadictorian of her high school class, attended Christian college.......

You know what helped me 'recover' from that image. The woman who runs Proverbs 31 ministries of all things. I did one of her bible studies. She is a real woman with real struggles just like the rest of us. She has had hurt and pain and in past. She has not done everything perfect. But she is striving to live for Jesus and to know Him better every day. (I still say her house is a little too perfect if that's her real house in the video but maybe it's a set). Keep pressing on.....and doing your best. That's the real deal.

1 comment:

starrgazer said...

This particular proverb has always been a favorite of mine. We used it as our Old Testament reading at Chuck's mom's funeral. My mother-in-law was an industrious woman and this proverb fit her well in many ways.