Chronological Bible 2010 Facebook Blogspot

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19

A few things really stuck me in today's reading. (These almost need to be read twice or more, there is so much in them).

First was dulpicity. I never thought about 'driving a hard bargain' as sin. Prov 20:14 talks about saying 'It's no good, it's no good" and then gloating about your purchase. I've done that a few times and never thought of it as wrong. Uh-oh, now I know better.

Second was not to gloat when your enemy falls Prov 24:17-18. We are all SO guilty of this. I even saw a Christian post something on FB about "It's a bad day, I woke up and O'bama was still president". That's not exactly an enemy falling. But it is disrespectful! Gosh, I sound like my mother. I guess the older you get, the smarter she becomes.

Third was restraint and balance: if you find honey, eat just a bit, or you will vomit. Prov 25:16,17. I am always going to extremes in my life. I get out of balance in something and then overcompensate (like having eaten too much and then dieting). My husband would tell me over and over, just eat like a 'normal' person and you wouldn't have a problem. But, if one dilly bar is good....why not have another? And exercise...Do you know anyone who exercises a decent and consistant amount.....long term? We are generally either a coach potatoe or a Jane Fonda wanna be. Balance, balance, balance. Maybe if I repeat it enough it will sink in.

Last Prov 14:30   (One I am actually getting good at, and don't need a kick in the fanny) A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the body. Wow..we now know that this is scientifically true. And people are always in pursuit of this peace....and spending millions of dollars to try and find it. My peace only cost me a few bucks- God's word and trying to apply it my life. It really works. Almost anything used to get me into a raging fit...things that didn't go my way, frustrations....And anyone who didn't understand my 'fit' must obviously not understand the extreme level of my frustration!! Now, I just (usually) choose to pass. Nothing is worth losing my peace over. And it just opens up Satan's playground when you do!

I hope that you will share your favorite proverbs as we go along- here in the comments or on FB

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